Hon Tiamy Pays Sallah Homage To Known Islamic Preacher, Sheikh Muydeen Ajani Bello

The Special Adviser to Gov Makinde On Education Intervention, Honourable Oloye Suraj Abiodun Tiamy on Wednesday paid Sallah homage to the popular Islamic Preacher, Sheikh Muydeen Ajani Bello in Ibadan.

While expressing his happiness receiving Honourable Tiamy, the Islamic Preacher Sheikh Muydeen said, he was overwhelmed by courtesy visit saying, Tiamy has been chosen to represent some group of people in governance and urged him to do well in his service to Oyo state, upholding his integrity at all times and working for the collective good of all.

According to Sheikh Muideen: "You have been chosen to represent some group of people and you need to serve and ensure many people benefit from the current position of yours by assisting people to get what they want from government according to your capabilities.

While responding, Honourable Tiamy thanked Shiekh Muydeen for the pieces of advice while promising to implement those advices.

Tiamy said, "We have observed lately that what makes many youths to perish and become bad history is refusal to follow elderly advice.

"You are my father and all your fatherly advices given are going to be implemented in shaa Allah".

Recall GLAD TIDINGS NEWS reported that Honourable Tiamy joined hundreds of Muslim faithful to observe Eid-el-Kabir prayers on June 16th Salah day after which he admonished all Nigerians irrespective of their religion affiliations to embrace Eid-ul-Adha lessons.

In Tiamy's entourage were: Chief Kasugi, Alhaji Daud Oloye, Comrd Sanusi Abdullahi, Mr Ishaq Oloye, Miss Aishat Alaka and a host of others.


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