Iseyin Salah Day Attack: Muslim Group Charges Concerned Authority Over Justice


A Muslim Group, the Organisation of Tadhamunil Muslimeen (OTM), Oyo State Chapter, has described the inhumane action of the Christ Apostolic Church, Oke Imuse, Iseyin's Pastor as callous and homicide attempt against civil Muslim family on the grounds that the latter was slaughtering sacrificial animal in front of his house as dictated by Allah which happened to face the church and charged the concerned authority to ensure justice is prevailed.

This call was made through its Oyo state Ameer  Ustādh Kamaludeen Udhayfah, at a Press Conference held in Ibadan yesterday on the matter, calling on the constituted authorities to carry out thorough investigation on the matter and if the pastor is found culpable, he should face the wrath of law so as to serve as a deterrent to others.

The Ameer then cited Qur'an evidence where Allah establishes that sincere Christians are nearest lovers to devout Muslims, as against such profound hatred of the CAC Pastor. He quoted Allah saying: '... and you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say: 'We are Christians...'  Suratul-Ma'idah verse 28 Numerous Christians rejoiced with, felicitated, wined and dined with Muslim faithfuls on the occasion of Idul-Adha. Instead, the Pastor created upheaval and civil unrest in his church's community. He used his gullible followers and supporters to cause mayhem and  injuries for innocent Muslim neighbours. He turned the family's happiness to sadness. This is nothing but provocation of highest order!

According to the statement: "The provocation appears as a repeat of history. The public needs to be reminded of the first murder attempt on earth instituted by Qãbil (Cain) against his brother Hãbil (Abel) which was induced by jealousy and envy. The Iseyin case was not a coincidence, but an incidence inherently perpetrated by a jealously callous and enviously pugnacious CAC Pastor. It was an attempt that targeted heads of husband and wives by the Pastor and his supporters as did by Qãbil (Cain). '...when they both offered a sacrifice to (Allah), and it was accepted from one of them (Hãbil), but was not accepted from the other (Qãbil). Said the latter, 'I will surely kill you.' Said (the former), ' indeed, Allah only accepts from the righteous (who fear Him).' Suratul-Ma'idah verse 29.

"According to a tradition, being an intending murderer, the devil appeared to Cain and instructed him how to exact revenge on Abel (Hãbil). 'Hit Abel's head with a stone and kill him', whispered the devil to Cain (Qãbil). The Pastor, being an intending murderer of the innocent Muslim family, the devil instructed him to hire many trained-to-kill personnel into his community to repeat Qãbil's satanic mission."

The group however said, it was not unaware that there were extremist Christians who were acting in proxy, carrying out Zionist Jewish agenda against Muslims in all facets of life; families, houses, communities, offices, schools, associations, companies, groups,  politics, economy to mention but few. 

Sequel to those confrontations, affronts and oppression, the group called on constituted authorities to always be on the alert for upholding justice by putting all necessarily measures in place in order to avert avoidable religious crisis and unrest of any sort as injustice usually results in chaos and anarchy.


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