Hon. Tiamy Lauds Gov Makinde Over Recruitment Of 7,000 Teachers for Primary Schools

The Special Adviser to Governor Seyi Makinde on Education Intervention, Honourable Oloye Suraj Abiodun Tiamy has expressed profound gratitude and commendation to His Excellency Governor Seyi Makinde for the recent approval of 7,000 new teachers to be deployed to primary schools across Oyo State through the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB).

This significant decision reflects Governor Makinde’s unwavering commitment to revitalizing the educational sector and addressing the critical shortage of teaching staff in primary schools. The approval of these new teachers is a major step towards enhancing the quality of education and ensuring that every child in Oyo State has access to qualified and dedicated educators.

In his statement, Tiamy said “I am deeply grateful to Governor Seyi Makinde for his visionary leadership and steadfast dedication to the education sector. The approval of 7,000 new teachers for our primary schools is a transformative move that will greatly benefit our children and contribute to the overall development of Oyo State. This initiative underscores the Governor’s commitment to providing a solid educational foundation for our young learners.”

Hon. Tiamy also pointed the importance of this approval in addressing the challenges faced by primary schools in Oyo State. 

“With the addition of these new teachers, we can ensure a more balanced teacher-to-student ratio, enhance classroom engagement, and improve learning outcomes. This move will also alleviate the workload on our current teaching staff, allowing for more effective teaching and better student support.”

Furthermore, Hon. Tiamy praised the collaborative efforts of State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) and other stakeholders in making this approval a reality. He called on all educational stakeholders, including parents, teachers, and community leaders, to support this initiative and work together towards the successful integration of the new teachers into the school system.

Hon. Tiamy reaffirmed his commitment to working closely with Governor Makinde and all relevant stakeholders to ensure that the approved recruitment is adequately prepared and deployed in a timely manner.


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